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Tanzania's coffee sector /  Baffers,John / 2003

Agricultural technology economic viability and poverty alleviation in Tanzania /  Limbu,Festus / 1999

Tanzania's tea sector /  Baffes,John / 2003

Songea agro-forestry and soil conservation project: an overview /  Mbilinyi, F. / 1992

The Southern highlands maize improvement programme: achievements and strategies for future research /  Lyimo, N.G|Temu, A.E.M / 1992

The contribution of research and training to agricultural development in Tanzania /  Kauzeni, A.S / 1992

The contribution of Uyole agricultural centre to agriculutural development in the southern highlands of Tanzania /  Biria, D.J|Liwenga, J.M / 1992

The land use systems of the southern highlands of Tanzania /  Kamasho, J.A|Msaki, S.P / 1992

The natural forests and environmental conservation in the southern highlands of Tanzania /  Munishi, P.K.T|Temu, R.P.C / 1992

The role of farmyard manure in sustainable agriculture /  Kiango, W. / 1992

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