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The Southern highlands maize improvement programme: achievements and strategies for future research
Lyimo, N.G|Temu, A.E.M / 1992


Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important staple food crop in Tanzania. Production has increased substantially over the last 20 years as a result of an expansion in acreage as well as the adoption of improved production technology. In the Southern Highlands, research activities carried out at Uyole Agricultural Centre (UAC) have facilitated the release of several maize cultivars and the formulation of various agronomic packages. The increase in improved seed sales and fertilizer use, as well as in the maize grain yields obtained by farmers adopting the recommended agronomic packages, all reflect the value of UAC’s maize research efforts. However, lack of credit facilities, in timely and in sufficient availability of production input, high input costs and unreliable marketing channels are major constraints that still hamper the adoption and full utilization of the recommended maize production technology.

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