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Agroforestry Research and Development in Tanzania
Mitawa, G.M.|Kamala, R. /


Agricultural Research and Development in Tanzania has shown a potential to solving agroforestry problems, which exist. Environmental deterioration, rapid population growth and shortage of fuelwood are among the problems facing the country.

Adoption of integrated land use system including agroforestry is the basis of research in Tanzania. The policy makers in designing agroforestry development, have been motivated by importance of multipurpose leguminous trees and shrubs which provide food, fodder, fuelwood and improvement of soil fertility. Involvement of farmers in defining priorities on agroforestry research before planning any research activities is one of the most important developments in agroforestry research. Participation of farmers in integrated land use system will help develop communities by encouraging permanent settlement, long term investment and overall development of the nation.

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