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Tanzanian Media Environment: Current Access, Potential for Growth and Strategies for Information Dissemination /  Murthy, Gayatri / 2011

Environmental Impact Statement /   / 2011

Responding to change: Using scenarios to understand how socioeconomic factors may influence amplifying or dampening exploitation feedbacks among Tanzanian fishers /  Cinner , Joshua.E. ; Folke, Carl. ; Daw, Tim and Hicks, Christina, C / 2010

Agribusiness Climate, Legal and Institutional Reform (AGCLIR) Assessing the Agribusiness Environment in Tanzania /  Mollel, Lazarus L. and Lugoe, Furaha N. (Ph.D) / 2010

REDD Working Papers: REDD and Sustainable Development - Perspective from Tanzania. /  Mwakalobo, A.B.S; Kajembe, G.C: Silayo, D.S; Nzunda, E; Maliondo, S / 2011

Environmental Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Involvement /  Hughes, Ross / 1998

Tanzania ? Environmental Policy Brief /   / 2005

Involvement or Control? /  Kostiainen, A.; Akatama, L. / 2011

Tanzania Cultural Environment and Economic Development /   / 2010

Assessment of Environmental, Institutional and /   / 2011

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