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ICT in Education Situational Analysis: Tanzania /  Dr. Swarts, P. and Ms. Wachira, E. M. / 2010

National Adaptation Programme Of Action (NAPA). /   / 2007

Participatory Agricultural Development and Empowerment Project (PADEP) Environmental and Social Framework /   / 2003

Involvement or Control? /  Kostiainen, A.; Akatama, L. / 2011

Tanzania - Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program (RWSSP) II /   / 2010

Wildlife is Our Oil: Conservation, Livelihoods and NGOs in the Tarangire Ecosystem, Tanzania /  Sachedina, Hassanali Thomas / 2008

Synopsis of Business Environment in Tanzania /  Mapunjo, J. / 2010

Environmental Assessment Framework /   / 2008

Kiongozi cha Mwanakijiji katika Ushirikishwaji wa Mipango na /   / 2010

Muhtasari wa Sera na Sheria za Ardhi na Maliasili /   / 2004

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