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Tanzania’s environmental threats and opportunities analysis /  Kajuna,Gilbert|Kajuni,Asukile| Moore, Daniel / 2004

Adapting to climate change in East Africa /  Orindi, Victor A.|Murray,Laurel A. / 2005

Industrial transformation in Sub- Saharan Africa and its impact on the environment /  Opi, Fred /

Capacity Development in the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa /  Ntiba, Micheni /

Promoting cross-border co-operation in the management of natural resources in shared ecosystems /   / 2005

Ambivalence and contradiction /  Mattee, A.Z.|Shem, M. / 2006

Research results of relevance to Danida’s support to the agricultural and environmental sectors in Tanzania /  ReNED, Ole Mertz|NETARD, Anne S°rensen / 2005

Linkages between environment and development assistance and research in Tanzania /   ReNED, Ole Mertz / 2005

Resolutions and way forward by participants at the East Africa Integrated River Basin Management Conference 7th-9th March 2005 SUA-Morogoro Tanzania /   / 2005

Kilombero valley integrated environmental management /   / 2002

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