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Efficacy of leopard tortoise (geochelone pardalis babcocki) farming in Tanzania /  Kabigumila,Jonathan / 1998

After the fall: political ecology and environmental change in the Lake Manyara Basin , Tanzania, IIED. /  Rohde,R.|Hilhorst,T. / 2001

Public Expenditure Review of Environment Financial Year 2004 /   / 2004

Public expenditure review of environment financial year 2004 /   / 2004

Tanzania state of the coast 2001 /   / 1998

The development and implementation of the Lake Rukwa Basin Integrated Project environmental Information System(LRBIP-EIS) Database, Tanzania /  Paradzayi,Charles / 2004

Resource poor environment and poverty alleviation in Mbinga District: A case of Malonga and Ngoro Systems of Land Resource Management in Matengo Highlands /  Yanda, P.Z.|Majule, A.E.|Mwakaje, A.G. / 2001

Traditional energy and environment conservation in Tanzania /   / 1998

Addendum to environmental impact assessment Dar es Salaam Water Supply and Sanitation project /   / 2003

Does agricultural research reduce poverty among smallholder farmers? /  Mwaseba,Dismas L.|Johnsen,Fred H.|Nchimbi-Msolla,Susan|Makungu,Patrick S. J. / 2004

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