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Peer supporters 4th training report on peer tutroring /  Mpombo, Michael|Francis, Gichuki / 2005

Inventory on current education policies and practices /  Johnson, Hannah|Lyimo, Boniface|Keates, Daniel / 2005

Creating space for districts in PEDP implementation /   / 2004

Participation Action Research /   / 2004

Mkombozi Centre for Street Children: Monitoring report 2006 /   / 2006

To train or to educate? Evidence from Tanzania /  Kahyarara,Godius / 2006

Evaluation of Bank group assistance to the education sector including Micro finance project /   / 2005

Needs assessment and costing for implementation of MKUKUTA in Tanzania /   / 2007

Tanzania: Education sector policy overview paper /  Nordstr÷m, Mattias|Arvidson, Anders / 2006

The education in rural Tanzania /  Musaroche, Leonard|Mdachi, Maria / 2005

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