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Women's Lack of Accessibility to Agricultural Extension Services: A Socio-cultural Explanation /  Mwaseba, D.|Rwambali, E.G.|Mulimila, R.T. / 1991

Small Farmers' Participation in Adult Continuing Education in Tanzania: Lessons from selected villages in Morogoro Rural District /   Rutatora,D.F. /

Women in Agriculture Extension /  Shayo, E. / 1991

Agroforestry Research and Development in Tanzania /  Mitawa, G.M.|Kamala, R. /

Tanzania rural women and agricultural cooperatives: What are the Implications to extension service /  Rwambali, E.G. / 2000

Women in Agricultural Extension: The experience of the Sokoine extension project (SEP) (1) /  Kenny, M.|Kimbi, G.G.|Lugeye, S. / 1991

Women and Agricultural Extension, has it by passed them? Experiences from Morogoro Region /  Rwambali, E.G. / 1991

Vote of thanks by The Chairman of SUA Council Ambassador Nicholas A. Kuhanga /  Kuhanga, Nicholas / 2002

Undergraduate Training at the Sokoine University of Agriculture /  Msolla, P.M. / 2002

Structural Adjustment in Tanzania: The Role of Agriculture and Agricultural Support Services in this Process /  Katani, B. /

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