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Where are we after the second year of the implementation of Primary Education Development Program II
/ 2009


Two years have passed since the implementation of PEDP II started in 2007, and thus it is timely to begin asking questions: Are the objectives being met? What achievements have been accomplished so far? What gaps and challenges are still evident? What lessons have we learnt that can strengthen primary education? What should be the role of the community in implementing PEDP? It is from this background that HakiElimu has reviewed the implementation of PEDP II so as to provide answers to the above questions. The report provides a critical analysis of what has been achieved, problems and challenges encountered, and lessons learnt in its first year of implementation. Generally, the report provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the progress of PEDP II implementation. It is expected that the report will inform policy makers, decision makers, and planners when planning and executing educational programmes and policies. Not only that but also it will inform the public on the progress of PEDP II and how the public can effectively engage in the PEDP II implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

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