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Detailed design report for the rehabilitation of Korogwe - Mkumbara - Same road
/ 2007


The overall objective of the Central Transport Corridor Repeater Project is to : introduce affordable mobility, improve quality of urban environment and in particular the quality of life of low income urban population which most depend on public transportation. To this end, an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) has been prepared. The ESIA evaluated impacts in the following areas : hydrogeology; geology and geomorphology; river systems and hydrology; air quality; current vegetation cover; fauna; historic urban growth patterns; geology and soils; flood plains and natural drainage patterns; water quality; noise pollution; bus depots and maintenance shops; construction schedule and labor requirements; socio-demographic characteristics; and historical, cultural and archeological features in the area of project implementation. Based on this evaluation of impacts the ESIA suggest mitigation measures, as follows : establish a controlled disposal site for contaminated soil; select provisional construction facilities for and asphalt plant and a concrete plant avoiding proximity to residential areas and schools; more emphasis should be put in using unleaded fuel; enforce regular maintenance to the city drainage system to avoid blocked drains and flooding; overall, project benefits are far larger than its impacts and will positively affect the majority of Dar es Salaam' s population; and finally, applicability of Tanzania's laws and regulations, existing environmental frameworks, the Environmental Management Act of 2004, the National Land Acquisition Act 47 of 1967, the Forest Act of 2002, among others, and the Bank's safeguards policies on the environment, cultural heritage and resettlement of displaced peoples

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