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Studies on factors affecting performance of dairy Goats and on socio-economic aspects of dairy Goat production in Tchenzema and Dareda wards in Tanzania
Kiango, M.S / 1996-2000


This study was carried out to evaluate performance of dairy goats and to assess socio-economic aspects of introducing dairy goats in Tchenzema and Dareda wards in Tanzania.

Data were obtained from performance records covering 6 years (1988 - 1993). Growth and lactation performance traits were analysed by General Linear model (GLM) procedures. Information from interviews was summarized as percentages and frequency distributions.

The findings were as follow:

  • Overall weights at birth, weaning, 6 and 9 months were 2.62 ± 0.03, 11.11 ± 0.15, 14.70 ± 0.29 and 17.02 ± 0.53kg, respectively
  • Mean pre and post weaning growth rates were 92.16 ± 2.10 and 76.07 ± 5.69 g/day, respectively
  • At birth males were heavier than females (2.68 vs 2.53 kg) and single born kids outweighed multiple kids (2.64 vs 2.57 kg).
  • Similarly, pre weaning growth rates were greater (98.68 vs 90.04 g/day) in males than in females
  • Kids born as single grew faster (104 vs 85 g/day) than multiples
  • Kids with 87 - 94% Norwegian blood had heavier birth weights and grew faster at pre weaning compared to kids with other genetic groups
  • Effects of year and farmer were significant for most growth related traits
  • Average age at first kidding, kidding interval and dry period were 527.08 ± 20.97, 338.45 ± 9.88 and 127.00 ± 9.08 days, respectively
  • farmer, genetic group, type of birth and year had no effect (P>0.05) on these parameters except for year effect on dry period
  • Parity had significant effect on kidding interval (P<0.05) which tended to decrease with increasing age
  • Average daily yield, lactation yield and lactation length of Norwegian goats and their crosses in Tchenzema were 0.87 ± 0.01, 141.02 ± 8.04 litres and 258.31 ± 5.69 days,

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