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Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies on Smallholder Farming Systems in Tanzania: The Example of Mbeya Region
Mwakalobo, ASB|Kashuliza, A.K /


This paper presents results ofa field study on the impact ofStructural Adjustment Policies (SAP) on smallholder farming Systems in Run gwe and Mbozi district, Mbeya region. Data for the study were collected using a structured questionnaire administered to 180 randomly selected farmers from Mbozi and Rungwe district. Results of the study indicate that SAP policies have had a considerable impact on smallholder farming systems. High input prices and lack of credit inputs are among the major constraints which have compelled farmers to use less amounts of purchased inputs in their farms. To cope with this situation farmers responded by abandoning and/or switching from growing some crops and reducing crop area under cultivation and/or managemenL The main policy concern emanating from the study is that the Government should create conducive ent'ironment (e.g. supporting research development and extension services. provision of market information and infrastructure) which would encourage and support agricultural investment and development.

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