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WFP Tanzania Country Brief /   / 2016

Enhancing food production and food security through improved inputs: An evaluation of Tanzania?s National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme with a focus on gender impacts /   / 2016

Training Agricultural Research & Extension Staff /  Dorward, Peter|Tall,Arame| /

SIMLESA program overview Highlights 2015:Improving food security in east and southern Africa through more productive maize-legume cropping systems /   / 2015

Availability, Preference, and Consumption of Indigenous Forest Foods in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania /  Msuya, Tuli S|Kideghesho, Jafari R.|Mosha, Theobald C.E. /

Gender Roles, Local Knowledge, Food Security and Biodiversity in Different Livestock Production Systems in Tanzania /  Maeda-Machang'u,A.D.|Mutayoba,S.|Laswai,G.H. /

Climate Change and Food Security in Tanzania: Analysis of /  Kahimba, F.C.|Sife, A. S.|Maliondo, S.M.S. /

Comparing stakeholder views for mutual acceptable food value chain upgrading strategies in Tanzania /  Mwinuka, Lutengano|Schneider, Isa|Maeda, Claude /

The Role of Food Safety Standards in Tanzania and their Implications for Food Security /  FaŻe, Anja|Oelze, Nelly|Grote, Ulrike /

Impacts of Community-Based Natural Resource Management on Wealth, Food Security and Child Health in Tanzania /  Pailler, Sharon|Naidoo, Robin|Burgess, Nel D /

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