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Hotuba ya Waziri wa Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi Mhe. Dkt. Shukuru Jumanne Kawambwa (MB) Akiwasilisha Bungeni Makadirio ya Mapato na Matumizi ya Fedha kwa Mwaka 2011/12 /   / 2011

Kurejesha Hadhi ya Mwalimu I /  Baker, Tony / 2010

Friends of Education Movement;Compiled Success Stories /   / 2010

Restoring Teacher Dignity /  Baker, Tony / 2010

Restoring Teacher Dignity: Quality Education, TDMS, and the 2010/11 Budget /  Baker, Tony / 2010

Who is a Teacher? /   / 2010

What Is A Good School? /  Naker, Dipak / 2007

Community and Household Surveillance in North Western Tanzania: /   / 2011

Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys: Lessons from Tanzania /   / 2007

Funding of Dar es Salaam primary schools How accessible is school level information? /   / 2011

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