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Where has all the education gone in Tanzania? /  Mukyanuzi, Faustin / 2003

Nyerere on education /  Ulimwengu, Jenerali / 2004

The progress of the primary education development plan (PEDP) in Tanzania: 2002-2004 /  Davidson, Euan / 2004

Implementation of the primary education development plan /  Makongo, Japhet / 2003

Adult education and democracy /  Maoulidi, Salma / 2004

Reflections on NGOs in Tanzania /  Shivji, Issa G. / 2004

Education, employment and earnings of secondary school-leavers in Tanzania /  Al-Samarrai, Samer|Reilly, Barry / 2003

Education sector development programme /   / 2004

Education sector country status report /   / 2001

Basic education master plan (BEMP) /   / 2001

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