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Prospective stock-taking review of education in Africa /  Sekwao,Nesta / 2000

The dynamics of returns to education in Kenyan and Tanzanian manufacturing /  Kahyarara,Godius|Wambugu,Anthony|Teal,Francis|S÷derbom,MÕns / 2004

Knowledge of and attitude towards HIV/AIDS /  Kammeraat,Karen|Goergen,Regina / 2001

Heavy schistosomiasis associated with poor short-term memory and slower reaction times in Tanzanian schoolchildren /  Jukes,Matthew / 2002

Risk factors for child mortality in rural Tanzania /  Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong|Nathan, Rose|Abdulla, Salim|Mukasa, Oscar|Lengeler;Christian|Tanner,Marcel|Marchant,Tanya / 2002

Centre for educational development in health Arusha (CEDHA) strategic plan 2004-2006 /   / 2004

Educational status is related to mortality at the community level in three areas of Tanzania, 1992-1998 /  Setel,Philip|Whiting,David|Hemed,Yusuf|Alberti,K G M M / 2000

Report to the public on the probe team on students crises in higher education institutions in Tanzania /   / 2004

Equity, justice and transformation in education /  Mbilinyi, Marjorie / 2000

School-community linkages success factors of conservation clubs in Tanzania /  Allen, Irma|Downie, Bruce K. /

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