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ICTs for Democracy: information and communication technologies for the enhancement of democracy ? with a focus on empowerment /   / 2009

Regulating the Communications Sector in Tanzania /  Nkoma, John S. / 2010

IT Security & Cybercrime /  Casmir, Respickius / 2010

IT as a Strategic Resource /  Madsen, Lars / 2010

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy 2010 - 2014 /   / 2010

Tanzania ICT /  Behitsa, Mary Materu ; Diyamett, Bitrina D. / 2010

Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Enhancing the Livelihood of the Rural Poor. /   / 2009

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product of Mainland Second Quarter 2010 /   / September, 2010

The Innovative Use of Mobile Applications in East Africa /  Hellstr÷m, J. / 2010

Tanzanian Media Environment: Current Access, Potential for Growth and Strategies for Information Dissemination /  Murthy, Gayatri / 2011

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