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Tanzania’s Tea Sector /   / 2004

Cotton sub-sector reforms in Tanzania /   / 2001

Horticultural research and input sector regulation in Kenya and Tanzania /  Tschirley, David|Muendo, Kavoi Mutuku / 2005

Coffee price risk management in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Zimbabwe /   / 2002

Tate forestry and spatial scale in the development discourses of post-colonial Tanzania:1961-1971 /  Hurst, Andrew / 2003

Rice production economics at the local and national levels /  Kadigi, Reuben M. J. /

Keynote address by the Prime Minister, Honourable Frederick T. Sumaye, MP, at the official opening of the 2004 international partners meeting at MATI-Ukiriguru /   / 2004

The role of irrigation in agriculture, food security and poverty reduction /  Chiza, C.K. / 2005

Ministry of agriculture and food security irrigation and technical services division agricultural mechanization in Tanzania /  Shetto, R. M. / 2005

A summary of investment opportunities available in the Tanzania’s agricultural sector /   / 2002

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